Website Maintenance

What we Offer…

Once a new website design is live, the project has not ended, but rather the needs of the site have changed. Keeping your new site fresh, accurate, and working well will maintain your company’s strong online presence while increasing visitors and activity. Website maintenance is key to the ongoing success of your website.

Internet trends and technologies are constantly evolving and your business is growing. Cytec Global maintenance plans ensure your site evolves with the changing demands.

The Scope of Website Maintenance:

Website maintenance needs vary by the site’s objectives, industry and more. dmax Cytec Global maintenance plans are customized to meet the goals of any website.

Typical website maintenance includes:

Site content updates:

By keeping your website fresh, customers will visit frequently to check out what’s new. And as your company grows, so will your site. Your company information will need updated, relative industry news will need to be added, and old articles will need to be properly archived. With the expansion of content and the correct archiving of outdated material, your site’s position in search engine rankings will improve. Website maintenance will encourage repeat visitors, increase customer activity, and ultimately enhance your site’s search engine rankings.